Sentence example with the word 'sarcasm'


acerbity, bitterness, contumely, esprit, invective, maliciousness, poisonousness, repartee, scorn, spitefulness, virulence

Definition n. witty language used to convey insults or scorn

Last update: July 26, 2015


The " part monk " line which was dripping with sarcasm in the script is delivered flatly in the trailer.   [noun]


When giving feedback avoid sarcasm or highly negative remarks.   [noun]


Carne never could resist the chance of a little bit of sarcasm, though it often injured his own plots.   [noun]


His features were intelligent, with a powerful expression of sarcasm.   [noun]


00 "If one desires something unique, full of wit, a veiled sarcasm that is rich in the extreme, it will all be found in this charming little book."   [noun]


The keen eye of the Saracen kindled at this sarcasm, and his hand sought the hilt of his poniard.   [noun]


'I see you were not,' said the stranger; an expression of quiet sarcasm playing about his mouth; 'or you have known my name.'   [noun]


Now go to work, you kickin' rascal," concluded Peter Tanner, unable to suppress a half-comical grin at his own wit and sarcasm."'   [noun]


And despite his self-confidence and grumpy German sarcasm he was pitiable, with his hair smoothly brushed on the temples and sticking up in tufts behind.   [noun]


In the midst of this silence, a cracked voice launched this lugubrious sarcasm from the corridor: "If there's any wood to be split, I'm there."'   [noun]


It seems as though an unfortunate woman were utterly bare beneath the sarcasm and the curiosity of all in small towns.   [noun]

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sapling - sarcasm - sartorial