Sentence example with the word 'satiety'


Definition n. the state of being satisfactorily full and unable to take on more

Last update: June 18, 2019


Mohan felt satiety after his meal.   [noun]


PYY acts on the hypothalamus to enhance satiety and is under investigation as an anti-obesity agent.   [noun]


The potential benefits of foods that induce increased satiety are being increasingly noted by nutrition scientists across the world.   [noun]


It is only a condition, and not that sorrow which becomes exaggerated to the point of despair, thanks to idleness and satiety.   [noun]


But in this same honeymoon there came a period of satiety, in which we ceased to be necessary to each other, and a new quarrel broke out.   [noun]


Further, this is not only an improbability, but it is certain that a feeling of satiety will come to Helen or to Menelaus.   [noun]


Then they caused satiety to the verge of loathing.   [noun]


Then he laughed bitterly, exclaiming that those joys were the very ones which produced the most disagreeable satiety.   [noun]


When she left me, I felt comparatively strong and revived: ere long satiety of repose and desire for action stirred me.   [noun]


Nor is it, when newly gathered, heating, - a defect inherent to the preserved fruit everywhere; nor does its richness, however great, bring satiety; in short it is an article of food alike pleasant and healthy."   [Please select]


This dwarf they called Satiety, and he followed the Prince about wherever he went.   [Please select]

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satiate - satiety - satire