Sentence example with the word 'tether'


anchor, bonds, cuffs, gyve, hitch up, irons, make sure, pin down, rope, strait-waistcoat, trammel

Definition n. restraint consisting of a rope

Last update: August 23, 2015


The juggler is showing tricks with a tether .   [Please select]


Oxen are tethered in the quadrangle.   [Please select]


The Chat 50 can also replace headphones and headsets that can quickly become uncomfortable, restrict movement and tether the user to the device.   [Please select]


The stake in the village center, or Bull Ring, was originally used to tether bulls.   [Please select]


Carne had tethered his stout black horse, who deserved a better master, in a dusky dell of dark-winged trees at the back of the eastern shrubbery.   [Please select]


Tethered by head and by heel, she could only enjoy the poised pace of the rocking-horse, instead of the racer's delight in careering across the free sweep of the distance.   [Please select]


There I tethered our friend Juniper in a quiet little nook, and crossed the soft ground, without making any noise, to the place we used to call our little postern.   [Please select]


And there he was at the end of his tether after having often painted the town tolerably pink without a beggarly stiver.   [Please select]


'Na, na; thank God,' answered this doughty partizan, 'I wasna bred at sae short a tether, I was brought up to hack and manger.'   [Please select]

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testy - tether - theatric