Sentence example with the word 'tinker'


cobble, darn, fidget with, fool around, kid around, mender, patch up, put in commission, recondition, service, toy with

Definition n. a person who enjoys fixing and experimenting with machines and their parts

Last update: October 21, 2015


He is a tinker and does a good job .   [Please select]


He likes tinkering with electrical appliances.   [Please select]


The lower floors there now became suites of offices occupied by various firms, but Blake and Tinker retained penthouse flats.   [Please select]


One immediate consequence of this is that Tinker, Tailor... feels somewhat antiquated, of belonging in some distant, unfamiliar time.   [Please select]


--why, he has gone the vole-- has been soldier, ballad-singer, travelling tinker, and is now a beggar.   [Please select]


Well, we tinkered, and the Portuguese dock-yard people tinkered.   [Please select]


Giles, the tinker (who had received a special invitation to regale himself for the remainder of the day, in consideration of his services), and the constable.   [Please select]


Giles had captured a robber; and the tinker busied himself in endeavouring to restore Oliver, lest he should die before he could be hanged.   [Please select]


Giles, valiantly, pushing the tinker into the background.   [Please select]


Giles held on fast by the tinker's arm (to prevent his running away, as he pleasantly said), and gave the word of command to open the door.   [Please select]

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tinge - tinker - tint