Sentence example with the word 'totter'


age, cower, fall in, halt, lurch, quiver, shrivel, step, teeter, trudge, welter

Definition v. move without being stable

Last update: April 11, 2016


The drunkard tottered across the road.   [adjective]


Eventually there was a move to totter up to the Hunters which some of us achieved.   [verb]


The democratic propaganda, which was permeating all the large towns of the peninsula, then led to the formation of numerous and powerful clubs and secret societies; and the throne of Victor Amadeus III., of the house of Savoy, soon began to totter under the blows delivered by the French troops at the mountain barriers of his kingdom and under the insidious assaults of the friends of liberty at Turin.   [verb]


Then he made an effort to rise, and being upheld by his supporters, he gained his feet, in a posture commanding by its dignity, while he tottered with weakness.   [verb]


There, you see, he slipped; here he has traveled wide and tottered; and there again it looks as though he journeyed on snowshoes.   [verb]


Each of the combatants threw all his energies into that effort, and the result was, that both tottered on the brink of the precipice.   [verb]


She tottered and clutched at a statue, gazing about her, listening to the uproar, and wondering whether she were awake or dreaming.   [verb]


He waited till Polykarp had picked himself up, and, without looking round, but pressing his hands to the back of his head, had tottered away like a drunken man.   [verb]


I totter from place to place like a soulless body.   [verb]

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tortuous - totter - touchy