Sentence example with the word 'vim'


aggressiveness, brute force, drive, fire, get-up-and-go, might, poop, puissance, sportiveness, verve, zing

Definition n. a healthy capacity for vigorous activity

Last update: July 27, 2015


Intent on finding an elixir that that could magically restore vim and vigor, he sailed far and wide in search of his dream.   [noun]


Not a particularly novel concept, but executed with more vim and vigor than any other sitcom I 've seen lately.   [noun]


He is full of vim.   [noun]


It had been extorted from the king by force (per vim et metum), and in the words of the bull the pope said "compositionem hujusmodi reprobamus penitus et damnamus."   [Please select]

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vilify - vim - vindicate