Sentence example with the word 'voluble'


all jaw, chatty, effusive, flip, gabby, glib, gushy, multiloquent, overtalkative, silver-tongued, talkative, vocative

Definition adj. marked by a ready flow of speech

Last update: February 9, 2016


She is an extremely voluble young woman who engages in rapid conversations.   [Please select]


His speech was voluble.   [Please select]


Spaniards are reputed to be among Europe 's most voluble people.   [Please select]


Whenever I visited Roosevelt on official business, I found a man adroit, voluble, assured, and smiling.   [Please select]


I would have given ten cities to have been by, when thy captive proved to be the stammering Lydian instead of the voluble Athenian.   [Please select]


Voluble, dutiful, he led the way to all the provincial papers, a bowing dark figure following his hasty heels.   [Please select]


And their interpreters, as we could understand, instantly said, "_Ah, non Palmas_" and began to propose infinite other expedients in most voluble language.   [Please select]


In the daylit corridor he talked with voluble pains of zeal, in duty bound, most fair, most kind, most honest broadbrim.   [Please select]


Of Sulpicius as an orator, Cicero says (Brutus, 55): "He was by far the most dignified of all the orators I have heard, and, so to speak, the most tragic; his voice was loud, but at the same time sweet and clear; his gestures were full of grace; his language was rapid and voluble, but not redundant or diffuse; he tried to imitate Crassus, but lacked his charm."   [Please select]


He grew more voluble at the approach of danger.   [Please select]


Olsen's voluble protests drifted back as the car receded.   [Please select]

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volition - voluble - voluminous