Sentence example with the word 'recidivism'


about-face, backward step, disenchantment, immorality, peccability, reentry, restoration, returning, slipping back, uncleanness, viciousness

Definition n. habitual relapse into crime

Last update: July 7, 2015


My mind jingled with questions of recidivism of his souls, the operation he'd alleged to have personally endured and if others had followed suit, or, if he encouraged them to do so.   [noun]


Recommittals were frequent and recidivism on the increase.   [noun]


My mind jingled with questions of recidivism of his souls, the operation he'd alleged to have personally endured and if others had followed suit, or, if he encouraged them to do so.   [Please select]

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recess - recidivism - reciprocal