Sentence example with the word 'concentrate'


abbreviate, close, concentrated, decoction, essentialize, focus on, jazz up, pay heed, refinement, steadfast, unite

Last update: October 24, 2015


These groups concentrate in the inner cities.   [Please select]


Nowadays I can't concentrate in my studies.   [Please select]


The aim of the workshop is to concentrate on interaction using haptic devices.   [Please select]


Throw away your pencil and eraser, concentrate on the logic.   [Please select]


Thy brother there has better manners," said her father, pointing to the cherubic son and heir, whose ideas were concentrated upon a loaded plate of red-deer pasty."   [Please select]


It was I who taught him to concentrate them and to gage all on this dreadful and desperate cast.   [Please select]


Of all man's five senses only one was active: that of sight; and that was concentrated on a single object a man's hand holding an axe.   [Please select]


To turn was quite impossible; the utmost she could do was to keep her wits about her, and concentrate her strength so as not to be parted from the child.   [Please select]


Its whole meaning is concentrated for them in its external manifestations--in Catholicism, Protestantism, in certain dogmas, or in the conflict with the temporal power.   [Please select]


Zoroaster spoke first, in low accents of concentrated fury: "Nehushta the princess is my betrothed bride."   [Please select]


[54] Why, in the midst of this passion for accumulation, did not the possession of the public land, like private property, become concentrated in a few hands.   [Please select]

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colleague - concentrate - condense