Sentence example with the word 'impending'


about to be, beetle-browed, coming, immediate, in reserve, in the wind, looming, near at hand, pending, that will be

Definition adj. close in time

Last update: December 8, 2016


After all, the impending famine in Africa opens up a new market to sustain the multi-billion dollar US biotechnology industry.   [adjective]


Orthodox Jews have taken this to mean that God has chosen the fish world as prophets of an impending apocalypse.   [adjective]


The darkness of the impending cloud which precedes a burst of thunder was not blacker than the brow of Magua as he exclaimed: "The Delawares of the Lakes."   [adjective]


Twemlow had many sad things to consider, and among them the impending loss of this grand mane.   [adjective]


Although he was a real "Captain Scuddy" now, being posted to the Danae, 42-gun frigate, the capacity of his cocked hat would be tried by no shower of gold impending.   [adjective]


Still the clear fountain retained a portion of its charmed influence, but it reflected only the somber gloom that fell from the impending heavens.   [adjective]


Every face and every gesture, the muttered curses and pious hymns--all showed that some terrible and fateful event was impending over all.   [adjective]


This impending danger made life a burden for Polikey and his family.   [adjective]


On the table, close at hand, lay the evidence of their impending doom, and a longing for that end gradually took complete possession of her, excluding every other feeling.   [adjective]


A few minutes later Cleopatra knew her impending ignominy.   [adjective]


And the Queen and her impending fate.   [adjective]

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follow up on - impending - in one's absence