Sentence example with the word 'qualified'


a propos, apt, conditional, divergent, fitted, journeyman, modified, proved, skilled, tested, well-informed

Definition adj. meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task

Last update: November 1, 2017


Many qualified applicants applied for the job.   [adjective]


They gave only qualified approval to the plan.   [adjective]


We split into 3 groups, each led by a qualified coach.   [adjective]


"Whatever he may be, or however he may be qualified for his rank, he now speaks to you and, of course, can be no enemy to dread."   [adjective]


With this qualified promise Morton was obliged to rest satisfied.   [adjective]


--No, no, equal both--both on the table-land of gentility, and qualified to look down on every roturier in Scotland.   [adjective]


Lord Evandale was well qualified to give advice on such subjects, having served, during his early youth, both in France and in the Low Countries.   [adjective]


But the moment was too urgent for hesitation, or even for those explanations with which her request might otherwise have been qualified.   [adjective]


"Sachepris here is far better qualified to amuse you than I; some years since, at any rate, she lead a wonderful store of tales."   [adjective]


Jenny, whose ready wit and forward manners well qualified her for such an office, hastened to break the ice.   [adjective]


More than thirty artists had competed with him for this work, but the prize was unanimously adjudged to his models by qualified judges.   [adjective]

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prospective - qualified - recruit