Sentence example with the word 'seraphic'


God-fearing, beatified, charming, ethereal, good, in glory, lovely, pure, righteous, spiritual, unearthly, winsome

Definition adj. of or relating to an angel of the first order

Last update: July 26, 2015


It is a seraphic place.   [adjective]


But the fame of " the Seraphic Doctor " is connected more closely with the history of mysticism (see Mysticism) than with the main stream of Scholastic thought.   [adjective]


Among his religious and philosophical writings were: - Seraphic Love, written in 1648, but not published till 1660; an Essay upon the Style of the Holy Scriptures (1663); Occasional Reflections upon Several Subjects (1665), which was ridiculed by Swift in A Pious Meditation upon a Broomstick, and by Butler in An Occasional Reflection on Dr Charlton's Feeling a Dog's Pulse at Gresham College; Excellence of Theology compared with Natural Philosophy (1664); Some Considerations about the Reconcileableness of Reason and Religion, with a Discourse about the Possibility of the Resurrection (1675); Discourse of Things above Reason (1681); High Veneration Man owes to God (1685); A Free Inquiry into the vulgarly received Notion of Nature (1686); and the Christian Virtuoso (1690).   [adjective]


All was over, Cosette had fallen back into deep, seraphic love.   [adjective]


But the fame of " the Seraphic Doctor " is connected more closely with the history of mysticism (see Mysticism) than with the main stream of Scholastic thought.   [Please select]


Thy soul to heaven in holy rapture mounts, And joys seraphic in its bliss recounts.   [Please select]


Georgie reached for the curry, with a seraphic grin.   [Please select]


But Mr Spivin wore an expression of seraphic candour.   [Please select]


Billy hugged his knees, delightedly; looking up at her with an expression of seraphic innocence.   [Please select]


Did not periods of seraphic calm always precede a tornado.   [Please select]

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