Sentence example with the word 'sinister'


adverse, contrary, digressive, felonious, immoral, left-wingish, nigh, rigorous, stressful, unhealthy, without shame

Definition adj. threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

Last update: November 29, 2016


To make himself look more sinister, he even grew a goatee beard (even made me scared of him !   [adjective]


An epic, extravagant - and perhaps vaguely sinister - turning point in the genre.   [adjective]


"Very true, Sir Arthur; and here is the baton-sinister, the mark of illegitimacy, extended diagonally through both coats upon the shield."   [adjective]


When the eyes of Heyward first met those of his recent guide, he turned them away in horror at the sinister though calm look he encountered.   [adjective]


There was no stag there, but fast asleep upon the turf lay James Corbould, the sinister-looking verderer who had accosted him in the forest on the previous day.   [adjective]


He thought at the time that he had seldom seen a person with a more sinister and forbidding countenance.   [adjective]


She could only moan and sob, and feel nothing, think nothing but that a momentous and sinister act had been perpetrated.   [adjective]


Apuleius spoke in a tone of sinister foreboding, and the falling stones dislodged by the battering-ram thundered a solemn accompaniment to his prophecy.   [adjective]

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singular - sinister - skeptic