The foul smell was comming from the squalor of the slums. [noun]
Firstly there is concern by myself and many other members who use the Belfry that squalor has set in. [noun]
She 's shocked by the sheer squalor of the place. [noun]
Afar, in a reek of lust and squalor, hands are laid on whiteness. [noun]
If they live in squalor, in filth, in crime, with hope and joy gone, a homeless, soilless army of human prey. [noun]
Macaulay, it must be noted, exaggerated persistently the poverty of Johnson's pedigree, the squalor of his early married life, the grotesqueness of his entourage in Fleet Street, the decline and fall from complete virtue of Mrs Thrale, the novelty and success of the Dictionary, the complete failure of the Shakespeare and the political tracts. [noun]
It is autocracy reverting to its normal state of palace crime, blood-stained magnificence, and moral squalor. [Please select]
Their speech is repulsive to me; their contempt for art, their voluntary squalor and filth. [Please select]
"I can't stand the squalor of this life; it's killing me." [Please select]
Even in this squalor grow beautiful, innocent girls like flowers in a muck-heap. [Please select]
Over the whole place hung an indescribable atmosphere of disconsolate filth, of unredeemed squalor and vileness. [Please select]
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