Sentence example with the word 'affluent'


abounding, comfortable, effuse, fluxive, in luxury, luxuriant, oofy, productive, riotous, surgy, well-heeled

Definition adj. having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value

Last update: November 5, 2016


They were nights and days superbly gorgeous, all-entertaining, affluent of humor.   [adjective]


Some tho, as you can see from the picture are more fortunate and have a reasonably affluent standard of living.   [adjective]


The kid was too poor to eat anything, but sooner or later was adopted by an affluent family.   [noun]


But what if the newly affluent in Asia do aspire to just as many car and plane trips?   [adjective]


There's is an affluent society and I cannot adjust with them.   [adjective]


Oswald used to carry them in his purse so as to look affluent.   [adjective]


I had the happiness to know you in former times, and the Drama has ever had a claim which has ever been acknowledged, on the noble and the affluent.   [Please select]


On that side the lane was open, and about two hundred paces further on, ran into a street of which it was the affluent.   [Please select]


It was I, latest to join the partnership and much the least affluent, who bit.   [Please select]

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afflict - affluent - affront