Sentence example with the word 'antithetical'


adversary, antipathetic, clashing, contradistinct, counterbalancing, discrepant, hostile, obverse, oppugnant, refractory, unfriendly

Definition adj. sharply contrasted in character or purpose

Last update: June 24, 2015


The bill has not passed parliament because the conservative party is antithetical to the liberal party’s proposal.   [Please select]


Before the women’s rights movement, most men were antithetical about the idea of women being their equals.   [Please select]


In the freer atmosphere of Holland the exiles lose the antithetical attitude, with its narrowing and exaggerative tendency, and gain breadth and balance in the assertion of their distinctive testimony.   [Please select]


The two doctrines, antithetical in terms, are identical in fact.   [Please select]


(_c_) Something is wanted antithetical to (_a_), perhaps "loose drill" or "open order."   [Please select]


Freedom and (inner) necessity are identical; and antithetical, on the one side, to undetermined choice and, on the other, to (external) compulsion.   [Please select]


Two elements, with antithetical aims, had been at work in the Regulation; and the unfortunate failure of justice in the case of Fanning had given the corrupt element its opportunity to seize control.   [Please select]

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amenable - antithetical - assail