Sentence example with the word 'amplification'


access, ascent, contentiousness, elevation, expatiation, grandiloquence, interlinear translation, overkill, rewording, transcription, worsening

Definition n. addition of extra material or illustration or clarifying detail

Last update: June 20, 2015


During the period which followed the later canonical books, not only was translation, and therefore exegesis, cultivated, but even more the amplification of the Law.   [Please select]


Each of these reasons for preferring the study of science requires some amplification.   [Please select]


The thought is an amplification of verse 2d of Psalm cxxvii.   [Please select]


] THE CHUBB LOCK is an amplification of this principle.   [Please select]


When they find an incident like the healing of Malchus's ear omitted in the earlier, and inserted in the later redaction of a common original, they cannot but recognize the probability of traditional amplification.   [Please select]


Why should I not come to London, see a little of politics and society, 'try it on the dog, so to say'--which by amplification meant testing the principles of "Thursday Essays" on a popular meeting.   [Please select]

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