Sentence example with the word 'annealing'


Definition n. hardening something by heat treatment

Last update: July 7, 2015


In the construction of this soft-iron instrument it is essential that the fragment of iron should be as small and as well annealed as possible and not touched with tools after annealing; also it should be preferably not too elongated in shape so that it may not acquire permanent magnetization but that its magnetic condition may follow the changes of the current in the coil.   [Please select]


Its hardness is not lessened by annealing, and it has great tensile strength.   [Please select]


--This is the reverse of annealing as understood in the art.   [Please select]


This process is called annealing, as it softens the metal.   [Please select]


In addition to softening the steel, annealing benefits the metal by relieving strains in the piece.   [Please select]


We regulate the oven according to what we are annealing in it.   [Please select]


As a rule, soda-glass will need more annealing than lead-glass.   [Please select]


In and out of the throng of moving workmen young boys, or carriers, swung along bearing to the annealing ovens on charred wooden trays or forks newly completed vases or pitchers.   [Please select]


"We build a fire, put the completed glass in the oven, and leave it there until the fire goes out and the oven gradually cools; we call the process annealing."   [Please select]

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annealed - annealing - annelid