Sentence example with the word 'bedfellow'


ace, bedmate, bunkie, chum, comate, comrade, copartner, girl friend, pal, playmate, side partner, yokemate

Definition n. a temporary associate

Last update: October 26, 2015


And about this harpooneer, whom I have not yet seen, you persist in telling me the most mystifying and exasperating stories tending to beget in me an uncomfortable feeling towards the man whom you design for my bedfellow--a sort of connexion, landlord, which is an intimate and confidential one in the highest degree.   [Please select]


Since one dismal night on Smoky Mountain, dread, dogging and relentless, had been his hateful bedfellow.   [Please select]


At half-past five, Herbert, turning in bed, found his bedfellow awake.   [Please select]


The haunting consciousness of rooted poverty is an improper bedfellow for a woman who still bears.   [Please select]


"Revenge is a cold bedfellow, and women are designed to cherish finer sentiments."   [Please select]


It would be unkind to wake this dear bedfellow merely because he himself could not sleep.   [Please select]


Suddenly, about midnight, the fox gave a low whine, and drew nearer to his bedfellow.   [Please select]


When, therefore, Fosdick asked again if he should teach him a prayer, Dick consented, and his young bedfellow did so.   [Please select]

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bedfast - bedfellow - bedfellows