Sentence example with the word 'belabor'


accent, belt, cut, flog, highlight, lambaste, pistol-whip, rawhide, strap, thump, whip

Definition v. to work at or to absurd length

Last update: June 19, 2015


You need not explain common knowledge, the obvious, or belabor a point.   [verb]


If you’re just going to continue to belabor the point, I’m going home.   [verb]


Belabored by their officers, they began to move forward.   [Please select]


The padrone seized the stick and began to belabor him.   [Please select]


Ah, when one looks at our young people, Prince, one would like to take Peter the Great's old cudgel out of the museum and belabor them in the Russian way till all the nonsense jumps out of them.   [Please select]


Then with each piece he belabored the poor Knight till the broken lance flew into splinters.   [Please select]


He was only just in time, for scarcely had he gained the cover of a clump of trees, when the soldiers of the guard came running to the place and began to belabor the door.   [Please select]


He had belabored the Federalists for piling up a big national debt and he could hardly endure the thought of issuing more bonds himself.   [Please select]

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bejewelled - belabor - belabored