Sentence example with the word 'bogey'


Wolf-man, bogeyman, boogerman, bugbear, fee-faw-fum, haunt, incubus, ogress, scarecrow, spirit, vampire

Definition n. an evil spirit

Last update: August 31, 2015


The calycinal theory is not merely an assertion of certain homologies, a few of which might be disputed without affecting the rest: it governs our whole conception of the echinoderms, because it implies their descent from a calyculate ancestor - not a "crinoidphantom," that bogey of the Sarasins, but a form with definite plates subject to a quinqueradiate arrangement, with which its internal organs must likewise have been correlated.   [Please select]


"They have set up their bogey and they like it."   [Please select]


"All this bogey business is getting on your nerves, eh."   [Please select]


The bogey of a German war was familiar and therefore losing its power to disturb them.   [Please select]


You've seen that she's just an old bogey like all the others.   [Please select]


This sort of bogey was supposed to ward off the devouring brood.   [Please select]


"You can't freeze me out of this claim with bogey stuff."   [Please select]


Fancy my seeing the Bogey-Beast all to myself; and making myself so free with it too.   [Please select]


If the bogey stopped to lick up a fallen leaf, she took it as a hostile act and wildly rushed past him and scrambled up the rocks at the farther end of the den.   [Please select]


Not once, however, did the bogey bear pay the slightest attention to her, and his sleepy manner was anything but terrifying.   [Please select]

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bogan - bogey - bogeyman