Sentence example with the word 'breakwater'


abutment, barrier, buffer, dam, embankment, haven, landing place, mound, portcullis, roadstead, spur

Definition n. a protective structure of stone or concrete

Last update: July 8, 2015


It is dominated, on the seaward side, by four hills, and approached by a narrow entrance, with forts on either hand; a breakwater affords shelter on the east, and on the west is the Arsenal Basin, often regarded as the original harbour of the Carthaginians and Romans.   [Please select]


I seen these Cape Ann sloops afore, when we wuz buildin’ Stonin’ton breakwater.   [Please select]


--Breakwater, Port Colborne, Ontario--Concrete Block Pier, Superior Entry, Wisconsin--Dam, Richmond, Ind.   [Please select]


--Cross Section of Marquette Breakwater Showing Manner of Constructing Footing with Bags of Concrete.   [Please select]


Emile Low, for 10 parapet wall sections and 17 parapet deck sections for a breakwater at Buffalo, N.   [Please select]


--Sketch Plan of Concrete Mixing Plant for Buffalo Breakwater.   [Please select]


536 Marquette Breakwater 211, 212 Ornamental Columns 446, 447 Piers for Taintor Gates 198 Polygonal Columns 443, 444 Rectangular Columns 435, 443, 490, 492, 511 Reservoir Bloomington, Ill.   [Please select]

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