Sentence example with the word 'charade'


absurdity, carriage, documentary drama, farce, kinesics, morality, parody, psychodrama, sitcom, success, vaudeville

Definition n. a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style

Last update: October 26, 2015


So maybe now you can stop this whole charade and introduce us to someone who is in charge.   [noun]


Mr Seddon said: It makes a charade of democracy.   [noun]


I might not be able to prove your involvement in this little charade but I bet I can ask some embarrassing questions.   [Please select]


And finally Lollie Mercer got her breath and said, "How perfectly lovely; it's a charade."   [Please select]


Once she invented a charade quite like a story.   [Please select]


After this we did the dialogue as if it had been a charade.   [Please select]


What charade Colonel Dent and his party played, what word they chose, how they acquitted themselves, I no longer remember; but I still see the consultation which followed each scene: I see Mr.   [Please select]


So that this cuneiform writing developed very readily into a syllabic way of writing, in which each sign conveys a syllable just as each act in a charade conveys a syllable.   [Please select]

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