Sentence example with the word 'chronically'


Definition adv. in a habitual and longstanding manner

Last update: October 11, 2015


Start with India, which has more chronically hungry people than any other country.   [adverb]


Clare was chronically penniless; and everybody knew that Gordon had received no salary yet.   [Please select]


Study yourself a little, and see whether you find yourself chronically in a hurry or not.   [Please select]


Yet the major part of the Greek race still awaited liberation from the Turkish yoke, and regarded the national kingdom, chronically incapacitated by the twin plagues of brigandage and bankruptcy, with increasing disillusionment.   [Please select]


How can a man know what is good or best for him, and yet chronically fail to act upon his knowledge.   [Please select]

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chronic - chronically - chronicity