Sentence example with the word 'circumnavigating'


Last update: July 17, 2015


Porte- While the Spaniards were circumnavigating the in world and completing their knowledge of the coasts of geese Af rica and Central and South America, the Portuguese were actively the East.   [Please select]


This to the vast discomfort of the maid who had to step over him in circumnavigating the board, and to the open annoyance of the child's mother.   [Please select]


He went with what might be called a nervous gallop, frequently turning about and circumnavigating the lad and the log in the opposite direction.   [Please select]


Sir Francis Drake, who plundered the treasure ships of Spain wherever he found them, sailed into the Pacific, spent a winter in or near the harbor of San Francisco, and ended his voyage by circumnavigating the globe.   [Please select]


"There is no law or justice in this concern; and we are going to put things to rights," replied Tom Rush, a good fellow, who had spent a week's vacation with me circumnavigating Lake Adieno in the Splash.   [Please select]


Even, the tramp windjammers were deep-chested craft, capable of rounding the Horn or of circumnavigating the globe; and they came in streaked and picturesque from their long voyaging.   [Please select]

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circumnavigates - circumnavigating - circumnavigation