Sentence example with the word 'clairvoyants'


Last update: August 27, 2015


Many reputed "clairvoyants" developed into mediums (q.v.).   [Please select]


There is one well-marked distinctive feature between the knowledge manifested by animals when acting instinctively and the supposed knowledge of seers and clairvoyants.   [Please select]


Being only men and not clairvoyants we did not know that the city was so crazed with fear that perhaps, after all, had we ever gotten there we might have stormed it with a few weary regiments.   [Please select]


Many of the persons who offer their services as clairvoyants and seers to a credulous and confiding public, and whose utterances are accepted as oracles, are professional swindlers.   [Please select]


One of the pale-faced clairvoyants lifts himself on his elbow, reckons and numbers the fighters present and to come--thirty millions of soldiers.   [Please select]


"Don't people go to clairvoyants and crystal-gazers and astrologers when they want to get tips about the future."   [Please select]


The greatest practical genius of his time was a frequent attendant at spiritualistic seances; he cultivated personally the society of mediums, and in sickness he usually resorted to mental healers, mesmerists, and clairvoyants.   [Please select]

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clairvoyant - clairvoyants - clamant