Sentence example with the word 'coroners'


Last update: October 3, 2015


The arrangements of quarter-sessions, justices, coroners, sheriffs, &c., were thus brought into line with other counties, except in so far as the ordinary organization is modified by the existence of the central criminal court, the metropolitan police, police courts and magistrates, and a paid chairman of quarter-sessions.   [Please select]


He had his own Palatinate court, with its judges, sheriffs, and coroners.   [Please select]


Coroners Feinberg and Holtzhauser with Coroner's Physician Weston arranged to go down the bay on the Patrol, while Coroner Hellenstein waited at the pier.   [Please select]


There were medical certificates, proceedings of coroners, reports of detectives, evidence of specialists and statements of friends, relatives and servants of the deceased.   [Please select]

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coroner - coroners - coronet