Sentence example with the word 'cutin'


Definition n. (biochemistry) a waxy transparent material that occurs in the cuticle of plants and consists of highly polymerized esters of fatty acids

Last update: October 10, 2015


Due to the presence of cutin in the cell walls, epidermis is last to be digested.   [Please select]


Hartweg allowed me to use the specimens and data that he gathered in his survey of the herpetofauna in the region of Volcán Parícutin.   [Please select]


S of Carapan (13); Cerro Tancítaro (12); Cherán; Corupu (14); Cuseño Station (14); Opopeo (3); Paracho (11); Parícutin (2); Pátzcuaro (3); Quiroga (59); San Juan de Parangaricutiro (16); Tancítaro (25); Uruapan (8); Zacapu (11).   [Please select]

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cutie - cutin - cutis