Sentence example with the word 'debarring'


Last update: June 14, 2015


A Puritan Assembly met, debarring any Catholics.   [Please select]


An attempt was now made (1679) to pass a law called the "Exclusion Bill," debarring Charles's brother James, the Catholic Duke of York, from succeeding to the crown; but though voted by the Commons, it was defeated by the Lords.   [Please select]


Adams had a deep spite against members of his Cabinet for the way in which they had foiled him about Hamilton's commission, but for his own convenience in routine matters he had retained them, although debarring them from his confidence.   [Please select]


"[116:2] Ten Acts of Parliament received the royal assent at Oxford, of which but one is still remembered in certain quarters--the Five Mile Act, which Marvell briefly describes as an Act "for debarring ejected Nonconformists from living in or near Corporations (where they had formerly pursued their callings), unless taking the new Oath and Declaration.   [Please select]


They were turned down at the universities, which admitted them in the ratio of three Jews to a hundred Gentiles, under the same debarring entrance conditions as at the high school,--especially rigorous examinations, dishonest marking, or arbitrary rulings without disguise.   [Please select]

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debarred - debarring - debars