Sentence example with the word 'denticulated'


Last update: August 5, 2015


" Here in the Astin-tagh the mountains, like those in the Kuruk-tagh, 2 are indeed severely weathered, but they always consist, from base to summit, of hard rock, bare and barren, most frequently piled up in eccentric, rugged masses, denticulated, pinnacled crests and peaks.   [Please select]


Face broad; antennæ short, third joint elongate-conical; arista bare; middle femora incrassated, denticulated beneath.   [Please select]


The legs of the alligator, too, are not denticulated, and the feet are only semi-palmate.   [Please select]


It grows to about six inches in length, the head round and covered with scales, and the edges of the gill-covers strongly denticulated.   [Please select]


They are strong, extremely narrow, with the beak of the lower valve much produced, and the inner edge of the upper valve denticulated throughout.   [Please select]

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denticulate - denticulated - denticulation