Sentence example with the word 'dentine'


Definition n. a calcareous material harder and denser than bone that comprises the bulk of a tooth

Last update: July 11, 2015


The more specialized of the two species is the Indian or Asiatic elephant, Elephas maximus, specially characterized by the extreme complexity of the structure of its molar teeth, which are composed of a great number of tall and thin plates of enamel and dentine, with the intervals filled by cement (see Proboscidea, fig.   [Please select]


The crowns of the teeth are greatly reduced in height, and the dentine is thin.   [Please select]


They are composed of tubular and convoluted portions of enamel filed up with dentine, and their worn surfaces show a variety of patterns, as in the case of the Proboscidea.   [Please select]


The one tooth found (a molar) was worn entirely below the enamel except for a small space at the front; the dentine was polished until it resembled a piece of agate.   [Please select]

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