Sentence example with the word 'desiccated'


Definition adj. thoroughly dried out

Last update: October 29, 2015


He bought wild lands, took stock in mining companies, desiccated egg companies, patent looms, photo-lithographic companies, gave away profusely, lent to plausible rascals, and was the ready prey of every new inventor who chanced to find him with money or with property that he could readily convert into money.   [Please select]


Dosing it with Edwards' desiccated soup.   [Please select]


Thus, these environments are desiccated by the dry winds and direct sunlight.   [Please select]


It contained the remains of a child, almost perfectly desiccated.   [Please select]


If the specimen was slightly desiccated, as possibly was the case, the digits would appear narrower.   [Please select]


Last spring, in Spokane, a boy brought me a desiccated robin, whose feet were held together by a long thread hopelessly snarled.   [Please select]


I do the same with the desiccated corpses of the cockchafer, the Capricorn, or Cerambyx beetle, and the Cetonia, or rosechafer.   [Please select]

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desiccate - desiccated - desiccating