Sentence example with the word 'dirges'


Last update: October 12, 2015


But it was rather in the chants and litanies of the ancient religion, such as those of the Salii and the Fratres Arvales, and the dirges for the dead (neniae), and in certain extemporaneous effusions, that some germs of a native poetry might have been detected; and finally in the use of Saturnian verse, a metre of pure native origin, which by its rapid and lively movement gave expression to the vivacity and quick apprehension of the Italian race.   [Please select]


Some way, there don't seem anything inside of me now only dirges an' funeral marches.'   [Please select]


Dirges, odes, sonnets and elegies frequently appeared in spectacular places about the camp and as Mr.   [Please select]


They alone of all his writings have descended to us, but these, made up as they are of odic fragments, songs, dirges, and panegyrics, show the great excellence to which he attained.   [Please select]


Now, I like a good tune what is a tune; but them caterwaulings and dirges that that chap Gray plays on that fiddle of his--gorry, Mr.   [Please select]

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dirge - dirges - dirigible