Sentence example with the word 'dissimilarly'


Last update: September 15, 2015


Scott also experimented on the relative fertility of unions between similarly and dissimilarly-coloured varieties of the same species.   [Please select]


So that in every case the unions of similarly-coloured varieties of the same species were more fertile than the unions of dissimilarly-coloured varieties; when all the cases are grouped together, the difference of fertility is as 100 to 86.   [Please select]


Some additional trials were made, and altogether thirty-six similarly-coloured unions yielded thirty-five good capsules; whilst thirty-five dissimilarly- coloured unions yielded only twenty-six good capsules.   [Please select]


Scott's experiments, that in the genus Verbascum the similarly and dissimilarly-coloured varieties of the same species behave, when crossed, like closely allied but distinct species.   [Please select]


Scott experimented on the relative fertility of unions between similarly and dissimilarly-coloured varieties of the same species.   [Please select]


So that in every case the unions of dissimilarly-coloured varieties of the same species were less fertile than the unions of similarly-coloured varieties; when all the cases are grouped together, the difference of fertility is as 86 to 100.   [Please select]

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dissimilarity - dissimilarly - dissimilating