Sentence example with the word 'draughted'


Last update: July 30, 2015


Hay draughted the treaty by himself probably with the cognizance of Root and Lodge, the great lawyer who was his associate in the Cabinet and his closest personal friend in the Capitol.   [Please select]


The question was taken up in the very first year of the new reign and a bill was draughted.   [Please select]


A letter of instructions was draughted, April 17, to Governor Endicott, in which mention was made of the negotiations with Oldham, and orders given to effect an occupation of the territory covered by his grant from John Gorges.   [Please select]


The proclamation, on the lines upon which all had agreed, was draughted by Randolph who showed it to Jefferson in order to assure him that "there was no such word as neutrality in it."   [Please select]

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draught - draughted - draughting