Sentence example with the word 'drifter'


angler, bum, drift netter, go-about, jacker, no-good, piscatorialist, rover, street arab, trawler, vaurien, worthless fellow

Definition n. a wanderer who has no established residence or visible means of support

Last update: July 29, 2015


Frankie Lloyd Cummings was a fifty year old drifter who killed teenage runaways.   [Please select]


Economically they are of greater value to society than the drifter.   [Please select]


To begin with, man was a slow drifter, following food.   [Please select]


Perhaps, as like recognises like, he recognised in her the instincts of the born drifter, momentarily at anchor--the temporary inertia of the opportunist, the latent capacity of an unformed character for all things and anything.   [Please select]


Drifter, cowboy, gun-thrower, man-killer, whatever he had been, the light of this girl's beautiful eyes, her voice, her touch, had worked the last marvel in man--forgetfulness of self.   [Please select]

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drifted - drifter - drifters