Sentence example with the word 'enticement'


agacerie, attractiveness, bewitchment, charm, decoy, flirtation, inveiglement, seducement, snaring, wheedling

Definition n. something that seduces or has the quality to seduce

Last update: October 11, 2015


His enticements were shameless.   [Please select]


The joys which spring from virtue are an adornment of it, not an enticement to it; they are its result, not its aim.   [Please select]


No enticement, even of a dog-friend or of a great bone, will induce this faithful servant to abandon his charge.   [Please select]


He dwelt strongly upon the danger of allowing and encouraging natives to procure arms in Griqualand West as an enticement to work for the diamond owners.   [Please select]

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enticed - enticement - enticements