Sentence example with the word 'eosine'


Last update: August 15, 2015


The shades obtained from these Eosine reds are remarkable for their brilliance, but unfortunately their fastness to light, washing, etc.   [Please select]


Very good results in soap may be obtained by mixing a fast blue, as ultramarine or cobalt blue, with a red as rhodamine or eosine.   [Please select]


There is first the group of eosine dyes, which are acid derivatives of a colour-base, and, in virtue of being so, will combine with the metallic oxides.   [Please select]


The colour of these colour lakes is quite independent of what oxide is used, depending only on that of the particular eosine dye employed.   [Please select]


The method adopted for the production of eosine pinks and scarlets on cotton involves three operations: (1) impregnating the cloth with sodium stannate; (2) fixing oxide of tin by a bath of weak sulphuric acid; and (3) dyeing with the eosine.   [Please select]


After this treatment the cotton is ready for dyeing with any kind of acid, azo and even eosine dyes, and this is done in the same manner as is used in dyeing the eosines on a stannate mordant.   [Please select]

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eosin - eosine - eosines