Sentence example with the word 'exhilarated'


agog, bright, contented, euphoric, glowing, in high spirits, moved, recharged, sanguineous, sunny, whipped up

Definition adj. made joyful

Last update: August 12, 2015


We are not exhilarated by the cheerfulness, the polish, the fine manners of Bolingbroke, for Burke had an anxious conscience, and was earnest and intent that the good should triumph.   [Please select]


I felt wonderfully cheered and exhilarated, for Wake had restored my confidence in human nature.   [Please select]


She was both confused and exhilarated by the sudden weight of responsibility laid upon her.   [Please select]


One of the buyers ahead of Sara Lee seemed exhilarated by the danger ahead.   [Please select]


, and her spirits were visibly exhilarated when she encountered a familiar name in either list.   [Please select]


He was obviously in an exceedingly good humour and perhaps a trifle exhilarated.   [Please select]


Besides, I never buy without haggling," he expostulated, suddenly exhilarated, he knew not why."   [Please select]


Though a little exhilarated, he was not quite blind to the character of the man with whom he was fraternizing, and had too much real refinement to enjoy his coarseness.   [Please select]

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exhilarate - exhilarated - exhilarates