Sentence example with the word 'extensible'


Definition adj. capable of being protruded or stretched or opened out

Last update: August 11, 2015


It should be mentioned finally that the tentacles are very contractile and extensible, and may therefore present themselves, in one and the same individual, as long, drawn-out threads, or in the form of short corkscrew - like ringlets; they may stream downwards from the sub-umbrella, or be held out horizontally, or be directed upwards over the ex-umbrella (fig.   [Please select]


Where is the extensible mouth (_proboscis_) kept when not in use.   [Please select]


The Malayan Sun bear (Ursus Malayensis) has a long tongue, short smooth fur, very extensible, flexible lips, and large claws.   [Please select]


The six legs, the large wings, and the small feelers may be easily found, as are the large eyes, the extensible mouth, and beneath the larger wings the small undeveloped ones looking like tiny knobs.   [Please select]

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extends - extensible - extensile