Sentence example with the word 'extensors'


Last update: June 18, 2015


Stretching of the muscles antagonistic to the extensors - namely, of the flexor muscles - reduces the jerk by inhibiting the extensor spinal nerve cells through the nervous impulses generated by the tense flexor muscles.   [Please select]


These bands of tissue function as automatic extensors of the claw.   [Please select]


But the muscular prominence is formed by the united radial extensors, and the fossette, because of the permanent pronation of the forearm, is scarcely recognisable.   [Please select]


] One sudden trigger action produced by the violent contraction of the extensors of the hind-legs then takes place, and the animal is projected forwards, while he flexes the fore-legs more and more (Fig.)   [Please select]

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extensor - extensors - extent