Sentence example with the word 'feist'


Definition n. a nervous belligerent little mongrel dog

Last update: August 11, 2015


Le Livre des tournois, a book of ceremonial, and the allegorical romance, Conqueste qu'un chevalier nomme le Cuer d'amour espris feist d'une dame appelee Doulce Mercy, with other works ascribed to him, were perhaps dictated to his secretaries, or at least compiled under his direction.   [Please select]


"Call that damned feist back, I tell ye," he shouted at last.   [Please select]


"Go back to that gun, an' if you turn your head I'll shoot you where you're sneakin' aroun' to shoot Rube or Uncle Joel--in the back, you cowardly feist."'   [Please select]

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feints - feist - feldspar