Sentence example with the word 'fusees'


Last update: July 24, 2015


It is decomposed by heat into oxide, nitrogen peroxide and oxygen; and is used for the manufacture of fusees and other deflagrating compounds, and also for preparing mordants in the dyeing and calico-printing industries.   [Please select]


Mackenzie did not stir, but ordered fusees primed and the canoe gummed.   [Please select]


Dogs and hunters were at work, and muskets and fusees resounded from every quarter.   [Please select]


This always takes her an hour, because she _will_ go to the post-office across the Heath instead of the pillar-box, because once a boy dropped fusees in our pillar-box and burnt the letters.   [Please select]


Slowly, with no more apparent motion than the hour-hand on the face of a watch, he let his hand glide into his coat-pocket and took out the box of fusees.   [Please select]

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fusee - fusees - fusel