Sentence example with the word 'gerrymandering'


ballot-box stuffing, cardsharping, cheating, diddle, dishonesty, fishy transaction, flimflam, fraudulence, graft, gyp, illicit business, imposture, scam

Last update: October 27, 2015


But the attempt of this party to retain control by a " gerrymandering " process was unsuccessful.   [Please select]


We have already described the gatherings of the popular comitia; but that clumsy assembly in sheep pens does not convey the full extent to which the gerrymandering of popular representation could be carried in Rome.   [Please select]


For years North and South Carolina each sent at least one negro member to the House of Representatives and, but for flagrant gerrymandering, might have sent more.   [Please select]


* * * * * THE INDUSTRIAL, MECHANICAL, AGRICULTURAL, AND SOCIAL PROGRESS OF OUR COUNTRY BETWEEN 1800 AND 1840 LEADS TO _New political ideas_ Gerrymandering.   [Please select]


This political fraud is called Gerrymandering.   [Please select]

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gerrymandered - gerrymandering - gerund