Militaris), toucans, trogons, herons, egrets, ibis, spoonbills, boat-bills (Cancroma), ducks, pelicans, cormorants, bitterns, stilts, sandpipers, curlews, grackles, kingfishers, motmots, " Chachalacas " (Ortalida poliocephala), woodpeckers, jays, cuckoos, " garrapateros " (Crotophaga sulcirostris), the ingenious weaver-bird (Icterus), and another species (Cassicus), whose curiously woven, sack-like nests are suspended from the slender limbs of trees, and sometimes even from telegraph-wires, scarlet-crested fly-catchers (Muscivora mexicana), tanagers, mocking-birds (called " zenzontl "), turkeys, partridge, quail (Colinus, Lophortyx, Callipepla and Cyrtonyx), doves, pigeons, eagles, caracara hawks (Polyborus), fishhawks, falcons, crows, and turkey-buzzards (both the red-faced " aura " of North America and the black-faced " zopilote " of the tropics), which are the scavengers of the country. [Please select]
In the name of mystery, who is there in South Carolina who desires to kill grackles. [Please select]
The distribution and intergradation of Boat-tailed Grackles in Coahuila is presently poorly understood. [Please select]
Red-winged blackbirds and grackles are often mistaken for them. [Please select]
The purple grackles are a garrulous, gossipy set, as every one knows. [Please select]
_See_ Grackles, Purple and Bronzed Florida Red-wing, 50; Case 4, Figs. [Please select]
Why leave these places to the Sparrows, the Grackles, and perhaps the Starlings, when Bluebirds and Thrushes are within hail, eager to come if the hand of invitation be extended. [Please select]
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