Sentence example with the word 'gutturals'


Last update: September 15, 2015


Between the dialects which preserved the IndoEuropean velars (especially the breathed plosive q) as velars or back-palatals (gutturals), with or without the addition of a w-sound, and the dialects which converted the velars wholly into labials, for example, Latinian quis contrasted with Oscan, Volscian and Umbrian pis (see further LATIN LANGUAGE).   [Please select]


There issued from the hut a roll of German gutturals.   [Please select]


"You will pwrepare for youwr duties," came the metallic gutturals of Ho-Pin.   [Please select]


"Teeka is Tarzan's," said the ape-man, in the low gutturals of the great anthropoids.   [Please select]


He exhibited his trophies to them, explaining in low gutturals the details of his exploit.   [Please select]


"Kaou-ah" meant great, or large, and Cartier finally set down the rest of the word as Canada, as nearly as the French alphabet could spell out the gutturals.   [Please select]


The Beluchi said something or other in a language that was full of harsh hard gutturals, and the owner of the eyes chuckled.   [Please select]

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guttural - gutturals - guyed