Sentence example with the word 'harasses'


Last update: August 4, 2015


Harasses, baignes de sueur, furieux, jurant et grognant, ils obeirent a l'ordre de marcher en avant.'   [Please select]


Greene, General Nathanael, 110; at Bunker Hill, 4; advocates independence, 75; commands Fort Washington, 96-97; harasses Cornwallis, 105; at Germantown, 122; at Valley Forge, 170-171; in Rhode Island, 201; on Congress, 236; supersedes Gates in South, 247; Guilford Court House, 249; at Hobkirk's Hill, 250.   [Please select]


She is ruled by nourishment given her; for she does not take her own food, but is fed like a child by the very workers whom her fecundity harasses.   [Please select]

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harassed - harasses - harassing