Sentence example with the word 'haven'


anchorage, bourn, cover, embankment, harbor, landing, patent, register, safeguard, shipyard, terminus

Definition n. a shelter serving as a place of safety or sanctuary

Last update: July 4, 2016


This state would potentially become a haven for militants from Turkey who have staged a decades long guerrilla war for Kurdish autonomy.   [Please select]


A haven of tranquility resting on the bank of the Fowey River Estuary.   [Please select]


The knaves haven't yet got their eyes out of the mist, or we should hear the accursed whoop.   [Please select]


I am no mortal, if the risky devils haven't swam down upon the very pitch, and, as bad luck would have it, they have hit the head of the island.   [Please select]


But it is over, dearest; and thou hast found a haven within these walls.   [Please select]


Her room, in these peaceful stages of the closing scene, was a haven of rest.   [Please select]


Udsbud, woman, you haven't made the curve half deep enough.   [Please select]


"And how do you know that I haven't over-eaten myself, mistress."   [Please select]


Here, in this sheltered haven, amidst green fields, under the lee of the Brill, the panic and consternation were as intense as if the village of St.   [Please select]


Allan's rival seminary at Douai, Sir John could have found no safer haven for his little ewe lamb.   [Please select]


But the difference is this, that they don't live inside them, and they haven't got all that belongs to them inside them.   [Please select]

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havelock - haven - havens