Sentence example with the word 'hencoop'


Definition n. a farm building for housing poultry

Last update: August 10, 2015


He also formed a splendid aviary which, under the name of the "hencoop," was a favourite subject of ridicule with his enemies.   [Please select]


"It's the pigpen an' the hencoop you want to keep your eye on, mother, not the motives of them as made 'em."   [Please select]


"He hid out behind the hencoop when they was draftin', but they found him and took him along."'   [Please select]


When we had rowed a little further, we discerned it to be a man riding upon a hencoop, who, seeing us approach, pronounced with a hoarse voice, "D--n your bloods."   [Please select]


"I wa'n't a mite deceived by that pigpen, no more'n I was by Jed Towle's hencoop, nor Ivory Dunn's well-curb, nor Pitt Packard's shed-steps."   [Please select]


"No, sir; wide awake's a coon in a hencoop," added the man, who appeared to be one of the two left on board by the deserters, the cook being the other.   [Please select]


She sat primly on a hencoop in the yard while the others played an uproarious game of tag; and then they all climbed to the top of the pig-house roof and cut their initials on the saddleboard.   [Please select]

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henchmen - hencoop - hencoops