Sentence example with the word 'heretofore'


aforetime, before all, earlier, erenow, formerly, in the past, or ever, recently, then as previously, to date, up to now

Definition adv. used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time

Last update: September 10, 2015


Heretofore he has not submitted the application form.   [Please select]


In response the Moravians, at the General Synod (1909), welcomed the offer, but also declared their wish (a) to preserve their independence as a "Protestant Episcopal Church"; (b) to co-operate freely as heretofore with other Evangelical Churches.   [Please select]


We have heretofore referred to a similar phenomenon in Indiana.   [Please select]


She saw an implacable foe in Tarzan, always heretofore her best friend.   [Please select]


Waite should find it difficult to renew the lease on so favorable terms as heretofore.   [Please select]


Heretofore they had been living on, without hope or prospect of release.   [Please select]


Heretofore, at this season, hunters had always lined the river.   [Please select]


The British accordingly yielded and the Americans were granted fishing rights as "heretofore" enjoyed.   [Please select]

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hereto - heretofore - hereunder